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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well, here i will introducing what is creativation??. Creativation is something new or different that we haven thought it before. It seem can be like new ideation that can be make or remake to create something more interest and unique infront of us. Everybody can be say as creative because creative is naturally come from yourself with your innovation and motivation. Creativation needs a lot of thinking so that the creativity can be astonishing and brilliant.   
     example of creative picture :

    Innovation :

    Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship... the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.
    - Peter Drucker

    What is Innovation???~ Innovation is somehow relates to renewal. The renewal can be something that exists and not, as is commonly assumed, introduction of something new. Innovation also can be seen as a change in the thought process for doing something, or useful application of the new inventions or discoveries.

    example of innovation picture :

    Invention :
    Invention~ can be describe as a new device, method or processing developping from study and experimentation. It also can be defined as the creation of something in mind so that an  invention can refers to the creation of an entirely new product that was either conceived or derived from an existing idea.

    example of invention picture :
    Novelty :
    Novelty~ is means of originality by virtue of being new and surprising. Instead, the synonyms of novelty is freshness. It can be say as the ability to think and act independently. Novelty also may refers to something novel; that which is striking and unusual.

    example of novelty picture :

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