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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The famous in the world of creativity!

Who are they??. They are  William Henry 'Bill' Gates and Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They are the people who are the most creative people in  21st century, whose work is defined under creativity with a capital ''C''.It very good talking about them because they are very intelligent and brilliant.

  • William Henry 'Bill' Gates

He was born in October 28, 1995. He is an American business magnate, philanthropist, author and yet he is a chairman of his own company software that he founded with Paul Allen. The company is Microsoft sofware company. Instead, he is the one who was ranked among the world's wealthiest people and overall from 1995 to 2009. Moreover, he held the position of CEO and chief software architect, and remains the largest individual sharesholder with more than 8 percent of the common stock. Here, we can say he is very-very excellent man in this business. His brilliant brain made him to be like way in his life. Basically not all people have the encourage as him to play his own game , just like he put the world in his arms. Of course normally in life we have to compete the others same like Gates, he also have a competitors and to win it, his never easily give up his creativity because creativity to him is what made him who he is. I believes not all have the same brain as he is who can invented a personal computer. The most important , his ways make us to always believe in our own ideas. So that can even convert into something that might so useful for people and people will love to use it without any regret. Lastly, for me, he is the very creativity person and just not a simple creativity  but creativity with capital 'C'.

  • Larry Page & Sergey Brin

Who are both of them?, they are Larry Page & Sergey Brin. Page was born into a Jenish family in East Lansing, Michigan. Sergey was born in Moscow. Both of them are business partner or can be say as management team which both of them are co-founders, who brought Google to life in September 1998 and very common popular website in the whole world. For me, both of them can be very known as creative person because they have the ability to create one media website internet for public users to do or search everything. The most interesting here, with they genius brain, they can get so many money and become a millionaire because the credit will goes to both of them. They are very smart but their's creativity are not something unique that i can be proud of it because their ideation are very simple easily other people can even manage to do what they do because it just like a student who use their brain to make them success with put all the effort on it same like them. Creativity by both of them is so common and yet not something new in ideation but what make them different from others are their's achievement are very-very excellent in world of technologies. This make them so famousful due to Google websites. They can be judges as creative person but not as capital 'C' cretivity. They are small creativity.

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