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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Mind-mapping is created by Tony Buzan. It is about a diagram used to presented words, ideas, tasks, and other linked too and arranged around a central key word or idea. Instead, it used to generate, virsualize, structure and classify ideas and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making and writing. 

Making an arrangement of words into a picture, which has a key concept at the centre or at the top, and related words and concepts linked with the key concept by means of lines and arrows.

This is mind mapping of myfriend, :

Based on the mind map given above, i finally easier to get know of Peter very well and easily discovered full information of him such as where he came from?, his age, chareacteristics and his favourite. The most different here is actually Peter is an Internasional student which is he came from African, Uganda. I am very lucky to be one of his friend. Conclude here, Peter is very nice man and he is very ' cool ' !

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